FUNDERS: Urgent Action Fund (UAF) Africa

PROJECT: granted fund to FIDA Cameroon for the production of a publication on the situation of women in crisis and conflict using the particular case and conflict using the particular case of the Bali-Bawock conflict. The grant funds were used for travelling from Limbe to Bawock village, conducting interviews, production of video CDS and printing […]

FUNDERS: Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)

PROJECT: project on Civic education of the woman in the south west region (kumba) Through the OSIWA supported legal aid clinic project, FIDA has been able to establish functional legal aid clinics in Limbe and kumba, where legal assistance in the form of information dissemination and counseling has been offered to more than 1500 disfavoured […]


PROJECT: Training of paralegals The funded FIDA to train paralegals and two paralegal units were installed, one in the North West and another in the South West. Through the project on training of paralegals supported by the gender development fund of the Canadian Cooperation in Cameroon, FIDA has been able to train and placed 38 […]