International Federation of Female Lawyers


The awareness raising campaign organized by FIDA Cameroon on the 17th of October 2020 marked the beginning of activities in the implementation of her project themed “Eradicating Violence against Women and Girls through Advocacy and Social change in the South West and North West regions of Cameroon”. With support from the AWDF (African Women’s Development Fund), this project is designed to be carried out in the two English speaking regions of Cameroon. This campaign hence, is the first phase (wave) as far awareness raising is concerned, the second, being anticipated to take place in Bamenda.

FIDA Cameroon mobilized staff and volunteers in the city of Mutengene with the common goal to sensitize population on key issues on Violence Against Women and Girls, namely, the various forms of violence and its consequences, available laws, psycho-social support services, health care services and safe homes where they can refer survivors to. This Campaign consisted of sharing of flyers and pasting of posters in strategic areas across the city.